Friday, January 9, 2009

"Right Time for Everything"

Hmmm.. i guess, like most of us do, that there is a right time for everything. Right time for everything - for buying a car, buying a house- making it your home, for saying yes to someone, for walking down the aisle, for taking up higher studies, for taking up a Career.. a career of choice, a right time to own up to fraud, a right time to file for bankruptcy; God i wish there was and i, after a lot of thought into it, feel that its when it was done, yup that was the right time.

But what if we try to look back and judge whether it was the right time to do what was done already.. i guess its unfair to do so.. don't you? how would you ever know 'it could have been better late or may be never' how could one say that.. gut feeling ah? intuition? or may be you feel it could never be so bad, it can't be worse than this? believe me worst is still to come be it this way or another!

I guess its all in the game, take for instance; do you think we were ready for a fiasco like satyam (irony is that they chose a name like 'satyam' do this) after all that has been happening to us? economic melt down, bank ruptsy, job cuts, mumbai terror attacks - in fact all terror attacks before that, satyam fiasco, PwC (surely going down, i hope it does, no space for defaulters) and i am sure many more to come. Does anyone know why is it happening, does anyone have a concrete answer to all the questions raised during this downturn. For a lay man like me (an understatement taking into account my MBA) its hard to comprehend whats spread out all around.
There has been a widespread talk going around this wasn't the right time to graduate from a b-school. Hmmmm highly debatable issue what if i had done it an year earlier? i might be working in satyam fo crying out loud and then..? or if i had taken up MBA a year later may be the recession has not hit the lowest yet.. and it would be hitting same time next year.. whoosh.. then i would think otherwise.. but the fact is i would never know how it would have been since i can never live that life.. can i? now that i have whole-heart taken this life (of mine).
And like in slumdog millionaire... it was from beginning option d: 'Its Written'...

I think, like many out there, i am at this cross roads where i still don't know which road to take up.. did i reach this junction at the right time.. was the signal green earlier or will it be sooner i just have to wait and find out... or fight it out..
God Speed!


  1. Interesting write-up Sridhar.

    Why not think it in this way - as you say, yes it' is written! It is only the general frame work that is written. Just the skeletal structure. And we get to fill in the spaces in between!! Take your example in this case. The case where you had your MBA degree in hand last year and were working for Satyam today. What has happened of late in the company is something you have no control over. That is written (by someone else!). We only get to fill in the spaces left to us - how we react to it. You could take this slump as the first step for even greater success!

    Basically, if our conscience in clear, everything that happens, happens for teaching us something we have been lacking thus. No event that happens is good or bad (that is purely our perception). The faster we learn the better!
    I am sure I have confused you with this comment :D

  2. I remember how excited I felt when I had got my first comment on my blog :D
